Recently I came accross something I didn’t know, but is done from the 70′ on ! PJ Ballard from the COC (CossackOwnersClub) wrote this article and I found it on their FB page.

Off course, I got into that and transformed a few old regulators. 12V is a bit nicer, more power for lightning and ignition. Also more to choose from, regarding LED bulbs, headlights and USB gadgets, to mention a few. And it can be done cheap in this way.
No rocketscience, so most of you can do this. The electronic regulator is easy to get, if you can’t get the UCB100 (Lucas) there a lot identical from other brands:
- AS-PL ARE4042
- HC cargo 130637
Also used on Masey Ferguson so see a agriculture shop. Sparex S.41164
The rectifier diode from Vishay, DO-4 VS-16F80M is used in the article. But you can use another with a lower or higher voltage.
I ordered, 16FL100S05 which was much cheaper, around 2€ a piece.

“Glued” the regulator on the base plate with nanotape. In case it get loose I also put some ductape on the side with the contacts to be sure not to make an short circuit. But probably the wires will prevent that too.
As you can see on the photos I used old PP1 and PP330 casings, shaped nylon base plates. Connectors/cable shoes are welded,in my expierence crimp type cable shoes often get loose. Bolts and nuts are M5.