Russian Motorcycle & Sidecar Owners Australia Inc. for info and get in touch with the secretary

This is the official page for the RMOA.
Members are more than welcome to say there saying and keep in contact with each other and the club !
Bulletin board
“Toad” Rally dates are:
Fri 7th June – Sun 9th June 2024.
The venue is at 1897 Esk Hampton rd Red Bank Creek, near Ravensbourne Qld
camping fees $30 p/p
“AGM” Rally dates are:
4 Oct. – 7 Oct.
Held at Ewingar at the grounds of the Ewingar Community Hall, NSW.
Fees $25 p/p
Don’t mis out at the 45 year anniversary!!!
Committee members
- President: Graham Meyer
- Sec/Treas: William Gore (Adda)
- 1st Vice: Ron Morris
- 2nd Vice: Vicki Ann Trewella
- 3rd Vice: JD
- Machinery: Ed Parris
- Regalia: Adam Zappulla
Hi JD , just got me self another ural m63 guna need sum advice
Engin number 397202 frame 223253
Cheers in advance
This message is on the blog but I also put it here for the RMOA members: John
Message from Vicki
Thank you all for your loving thoughts & messages.💖
I really appreciate you all so much!
For those of you who would like to attend Norms “Celebration of life”.
It will be held Saturday 25th March from 12 – 3, at a friends place.
Address is:
125 Blanck Road, Ravensbourne, QLD. Carolyn & Ian Schultz home.
Their phone is 0427133624 (Carolyn)
BYO Drinks. Light snacks provided.
Again many Thanks
URAL DNEPR Bikes, Parts & Accessories. K-650, M-63 to late models + Set of factorie repair tools suit 650 engine & gearboxes.
Pick-up only, buyers own transport.
POA reasonable offers.
All enquiries, contact seller on 0416 399 632
ALL GONE. A few people showed interest and bought some wheels and lots of tyres and other bits and pieces. Sadly there were no buyers for the bikes or special tools and they have gone to the scrapper. *** These were not the Riders tools, but the Workshop Specual Repair tools, plus the Manufacturing Tools that were bought out from IMZ in Irbit to Australia, the ONLY set, now gone.
Gary B sent me an email today. He said he has given all his spare parts to Ed for the club, Bless him. How generous is that.
Hey JD. David Foote here (Footy). I’m back from the wilderness and wanting to reconnect with the club. Can’t for the life of me find any links to organise club membership. My old K650 is still running strong and I’m in the process of getting it back on the road again. If someone could flick me an email so I can get membership organised and start catching up again.
G’day Footy, great to hear from you! Sorry for the delay in replying all posts here have to be moderated. I’ll get your email address from Cat and start the wheels turning. Welcome back! Or to speed things up send me an email to
I don’t know if this the right place to ask, but I found this page more buy accident, I am not real smart on computers. I would like to join RMOA, I recently did a questionnaire on the computer and got no answer so if someone could give me a call it would be appreciated. my phone number is 0438 147 497
I did send in an application an paid $10.00 into your bank in 2020,but I didn’t hear back and I was crook till middle last year, so I am gonna try again
Hello Ken Millers. Good you have made contact with us here. I have forwarded your message to the club secretary to see where your money has gone and what went wrong. anyway I’ll try and ring you to say giday. JD
Good to have a chat with Ken, the secretary will be in touch with you.
One year on, just to say all the rallies for 2020 were cancelled due to COVID-19. Now in 2021, have to wait and see. To get the latest all the action is on the RMOA Facebook page.
Hi. I have just acquired a K650 Dnepr. I have stripped it down and in the process of a complete rebuild. My problem is that when I pulled the diff apart 90 pin bearings along with some other roller type bearings fell out. I’m not a mechanic but understand the basics. Can any of your members advise me how to get these components back together. I almost had it back this evening but I seemed to have one roller bearing that wouldn’t fit back in. Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Garry,
use a magnet to find/capture them, and then use a thick grease to put them back in and hold them in place. Good luck with your K-650, it’s a worthwhile cause.
To Garry Jensrn,
I hope you have had some luck on your project, especially getting the final drive (diff) back together. Have you?
Hi Patrick
Amazing! I have one of Bob’s Cossacks, not the “Crime of the Century” sidecar, but the solo one that came next to it, . I all I can say about “Fegs”: – what a magic man. It was very sad news to hear about the accident. I had been to a rally where he also turned up not long before. We had a great time. Too short.
I hope you’d like to stay in touch with us here. Cheers!
Hi, came across your site by accident. Great to see Bob Richman’s Cossack (got a ride in it once, many years ago) and nice to see the memorial refence to Ian “Fegs” Watts who I worked with briefly in the late ’70s.
Hi Shane,
You’ve got a Bural 🙂
I know a few guys have 1000cc BMW and they’re happy.
If you do facebook have a look
Live in wa near Albany own a ural fitted with a 650 bmw motor
and this:
Delivery of the BMW R75 Frame 767 635 31.03.44
Air raid on the factory. Time: 12.00 o’clock 10 hits of which 2 direct hits 20.07.44
Air raid on the factory. Time: 12.00 o’clock 65 hit of which 11 direct hits 11.09.44
Air raid on the factory. Time: 13.00 o’clock 5 hit of which 0 direct hits 13.09.44
News form of the factory in Eisenach that production has ceased 18.10.44
Air raid on the factory. Time: 12.30 o’clock 8 hits of which 0 direct hits 09.02.45
American troops occupy the factory. 60% of it is destroyed. 06.04.45
Russian troops occupy the factory (Russian Zone) 03.07.45
The BMW factory in Eisenach is confiscated from the County of Thüringen . 07.09.45
Command no. 93 from Marshal Schukow orders the start up of production 13.10.45
Interesting timeline!
Hi PJB, message received. Great to hear from you here.
that’s very good information on the R75!
First reparation delivery of 8 BMW R75 to Russia Frame 770 000 January 1946
Last BMW R75 is produced out of the remaining parts and delivered to Russia. June 1946
In total another 98 R75’s were produced in 1946. Frame 770 097
Production of 10 Sets spare parts for overhauling of each of 150 BMW R75. Sep. 1946
l”ll ask Mr Cat to add it to this page: and give you credit 🙂
Also to put on the links page here.
Best wishes, and a toast to Juris Ramba! Hope you get some sunshine soon 🙂 Long live the COC.
Hi, Peter here from COC in England. Love your stuff, does this help? states:- The TMZ-53 had an (almost?) identical frame to that of the BMW R-75 and had other similarities, perhaps from captured or copied examples. states; First reparation delivery of 8 BMW R75 to Russia. Last BMW R75 is produced out of the remaining parts and delivered to Russia.
Did you know that? Keep up the good work! Regards Peter. (Snow drifts in my garage today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Please confirm receipt, thanks.
When did the club change its name?
Russian Motorcycle & Sidecar Owners Australia Inc. ?
thought it was always Russian Motorcycle & Sidecar Owners ASSOCIATION Australia. since 1979, (now) Incorporated
Where is every body else?
Does anyone else read this? Hello?
Will try to get in contact with Vicky to be informed about the changes and other things so I can put them here on the site !
feedback people ?!!
RMOA Prez for 2019 is KGB Graham 007. God help us. 🙂
Actually he is the right man for the right job!
I wonder if he will read this?! 🙂
Just read that Mark G is now a vice prez. Congrats Mark.
Hope to see a lot more here in the future. Keep up the good work Mr Cat. Cheers mate.
2016-2017 I am the 3rd Vice-President, needs a full update here. Vicki has stood down as Sec,/Treas. Chris Davy is no longer editor. Many changes! Facebook site has the full details. Cheer mate! 🙂
Hey J.D. IT’s Laury D. How the Ferk are thing’s in your life?… I’m out at Grawin. Sow east of Lightning Ridge and I I still have my XS650 under cover. Get back, good olde friend. … dickson laury @ gmail. com
Giday Laury D. Good to hear from you! I will never forget the wheelstand you did in that Kombi, it should’ve been on YouTube!!! I send you an email mate! JD