I remember reading something about fitting Japanese forks (Honda I think) in order to fit disc brakes to the front wheel.
Also, does anyone have any information on fitting wider wheels (fatter tyres)
Category Archives: The Garage

Twin Turbo Dnepr video
If you have the time to watch this video about building a twin turbo on a Dnepr, click on the link.
Twin turbo Dnepr video (excuse the ads)
Kickstart repair
JD sent me this link, nice to know for a quick repair !! I did put F2Motorcycles on the link page ! I have a worn kickstart axle, piece of hard steel and JB weld 🙂 But I’d rather would have a kickstart axle with splines like the axle for the “Dneprglide” gearbox ! As far as I know there not made for the old type gearboxes ?! If I’m wrong tell me !!

Tuning tips
This image shows the various things a carburettor goes through from idle to full throttle.
The throttle slide cutouts are in particular important, as they govern the transition to main jet, often the cause of a hiccup.
Some people go the measure of smoothing the cutout.

Dnepr 4-Cylinder Custom
This guy is pretty amazing. Link is to his YouTube Channel. Interesting how he made a 4-cylinder Dnepr. Excuse the ads, but this is sort of, riveting!

500cc Sportscars
Early sports cars in the USSR were powered by motorcycle engines. 500cc.
You will find more elsewhere in these pages.

I wish this was in colour!
This is a 7 inch glass fruit bowl, speckled reds, blues, greens and yellows, purples even. Whilst its adequacy is very questionable and not exactly legal, but absolutely spectacular when lit. A rare find these days if any still exist. i wish this photo was in colour… B&W just doesn’t do it justice. Imagine rolling into a rally with this gem on high beam.

Chrome mudguards
I’m talking 1960s-1970s years. Has anyone else seen chrome guards like these?
I got these from an old Russian guy via a guy who was storing it all for him, who had a stack of parts and a wall of mudguards piled up almost to the roof of his barn.
He gave me a front and rear mudguard for free, coated in Russian preservative, when I got home I was amazed to find they were chromed!
Has anyone else seen these? K-Series Dnepr K-650/MT-9..
When I needed a set of new header pipes, couldn’t find anyone with correct radius bender to make them. Solution was to make two small bends with a straight section, so two backpressure points. Inceased backpressure and it ran and sounded better.